General Kaanda Predictions

As already explained, the SukshmaNaadi predictions are available for all the twelve Bhavas or houses. The chapter 1 containing the general Kaandam is compulsorily to be referred to, as it is considered as the index and contains exhaustive and precise predictions, commencing from the time the customer’s leaf is traced to the end of his life. This general Kanda only identifies the correct leaf pertaining to the customer as already explained in the VIth chapter. Then the planetary positions of the 9 planets are explained, from which the details of the horoscope is cast and recorded in the Notebook, where the original predictions are recorded. This horoscope tallies exactly with the natal horoscope available with the customer. However, the horoscope coming in the Naadi does not indicate the Lagna position and balance of Dasa and Bhukthi period available. In rare cases the lagna is also indicated. For further details, please refer to DasaBhukthi chapter. Then the present Gochara position of planets are discussed and if there are any serious doshams or the sins committed in previous birth is serious, preference to Shanthi and Deeksha, Kaandam are suggested. This will be experienced in the next chapter. Thereafter the predictions are given, from the time leaf is traced to the end of his life covering all the twelve bhava affect i.e. education , profession, marriage, health, children, profit and loss in profession, service, death etc. These predictions are split up into many periods of his age (in Natal Astrology it is DasaBhukthi wise) usually to three years time at a stretch are events that will take place would be examined in details.