As explained already, we are giving predictions as per the SukshmaNaadi, since our father’s time i.e. roughly for the past fifty years. The predictions start with a dialogue between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, who requests Lord Shiva to tell the predictions of her son/daughter, who has come forward to know his/her future. Lord Shiva then gives the predictions. The Maha Siva SukshmaNaadi is more exhaustive and accurate in predicting events as compared to Kousika and AgasthiyaNaadi’s followed by our family earlier or other NaadiJodhidam followed by others in the south. That is the reason why, the charge for this SukshmaNaadi is somewhat higher. But when we compare the immense what we derive from Naadi, the charge is very cheap. As in Astrology, there are twelve Kaandams, dealing with the twelve Bhavas or houses. There are also special Kaandams, dealing with ShanthiPariharam, DeekshaKaandam, VaidyaKandam, DasabhukthiKaandams, brief description of subjects dealt in each Kaandam are all given in the Appendix, which may please the referred one. In the succeeding chapters, we have also explained in details some of the important Kandams. However, the first Kaandam is compulsory. It is considered to be the index for all the other Kaandams. The consultation of all the Kaandams and special Kaandams are optional. But other Kaandamscan not be independently consulted, without reading the first chapter. Another important feature of the SukshmaNaadi is, that the prediction itself, tells when the customer will come to us for consultation. Usually it is indicated that the person seeking to know his future would come when Saturn and Jupiter are situated in particular Rasis. Presently, the Naadi leaves indicate Raju (Planet Jupiter) is in Cancer (Leo) and Sani (Planet Saturn) is in Taurus (Gemini) Rasi. When Jupiter and Saturn transit to next Rasi, the present palm leaves are going to be left in the Holy river Cauvery as directed by our own Naadi, i.e. SanthanaNool. It is pertinent to remember in this connection that unlike Natal Astrology , the predictions are told in the SukshmaNaadi Astrology, only from the date the native gets the leaves to the end of his/her life and past predictions are not given . The past predictions given are in respect of certain facts about the family of the person, which are considered as Sakshimore witness to confirm that the leaves pertaining to the person coming to know about his future. Because of this fact only we are not giving any advertisement about our centres at Vaithiswarankoil or Gurgaon. Whoever has come of his own accord , having heard about us, through their friends or relatives. It will be an astonishing experience, for some to hear the predictions in many cases, pin pointing with whom they have come for consultation and what is his name. In one case, a lady had come along with another person, with whom, she was living for long without any formal marriage. This facet , when predicted in the leaf , she confirmed it. The predictions, of course, recommended continuance of that relationship, saying it is beneficial to her. This website advertisement and booklet is however made for the first time, only to take advantage of the latest advancements made in the computer and in Information Technology and to record for the sake of posterity, the history, background, and nature of predictions, our family is giving for the last 150 years or more. We also want to record in writing, what we have heard so far, by hear say or Karma Parampara, from our ancestors. Another noteworthy point with regards to the SukshmaNaadi is, that even in cases where the leaves are traced, the predictions were not told immediately. There were two such cases in the history Gurgaon centre itself. In one case, a Mumbai based person’s future was sought. He was bedridden with paralytic attack. His relatives were told to come again after 6 months. But within 6 months, the person concerned died. In another case, the person was asked to perform certain remedial measures, which were also suggested and come after doing those Pariharams only to know about his future. One other prediction given in the case of some political leaders had a hearing on the General Elections. Just before the parliamentary election held in 1998, prediction given in individual cases referred to the general elections, likely to take place when Saturn transited to a particular Nakshatra which happened around in February, March 1998.When people were discussing when the elections will be held, whether in March 1998 or November 1998, Naadi predicted it in March 1998 which proved correct. This too came in the general Kaandam prediction of some individuals. This shows how much foresight our rishis had, over events likely to take place thousands of years later. Interestingly , the SukshmaNaadi contains predictions for all persons belonging to various religions, communities and regions of India and abroad. The persons who had come to the Gurgaon centre consist of Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims and Christians from all corners of India. The Naadi coming from Tamilnadu tells the names of customers from north and other religious person’s name, which are not generally understood in south. The Pariharams suggested to customers of other religious faiths, include the remedies to be performed as per there customs as well as to the Hindu gods and Navagraha planets. Similarly remedial measures suggested to the Hindus include pilgrimage to Velankanni Mary Temple, a Christian Church and the NagoreDargah, a Muslim holy place within Tamilnadu and Rajudwaras. Thus religious tolerance and fraternity is also preached. It would be interesting to note that the Naadi predictions could cover such events like natural calamities. A customer from Japan Mr. Minamida Mitsuyazu (a photo of the customer with Naadi astrologer is given in the appendix) consulted his Naadi sometime in 1995. There was a prediction that his house and area would be affected by an Earthquake. He confirmed to us after he returned to his country about the actual happening of the Earthquake. Even though his house was affected, he was unhurt.