Predictions on the other Chapters II to XII

These predictions can be had at the option of the customer on payment of the prescribed charges to know more detailed information about the predictions given in Chapter I, for example to know more information on education Chapter II can be referred, for marriage, details of wife/husband i.e. wherefrom they will come, their place of living, name, some horoscope identifications, time of marriage etc. Chapter VII maybe referred. Chapter X gives detailed information about profession like promotion, business prospects, nature of business which is profitable etc. Similarly other chapters deal more elaborately on the subjects indicated against them vide. We had said earlier, the general predictions on first chapter, is exhaustive and compulsory, while the reading of other Kaandams are helpful to them, the following two typical cases noticed in the Gurgaon Centre are explained. In one case, the customer who came for consultation, was a shipping Engineer with high Engineering qualifications, experience and contract, working in an international shipping company. Prediction given to him was that in partnership with his sons, he would enter into shipping business. He has two sons, one son a Shipping Engineer in a different field and the other son was studying at Calcutta in Ship Engineering Course. The father decided to see the first son’s Naadi and it revealed that trading in oil related to shipping will be good for him, like oil Tanker shipping trade, the second son’s Naadi was also consulted and a big break through was achieved . His Naadipredicted, that he would be in a big shipping business magnate and do shipping business in partnership with his father and brother. It was also predicted; that he would get married to a wealthy man’s daughter and go to a foreign country for further studies (in London) even though he was studying in Calcutta at the time of predictions. Thus by referring to the General Kaandam of all the three, they could identify the person, who will be the chief in the fathers Naadi. To our doubt, the father clarified that will be their educational qualification, experience and contacts, capitol is not a big problem. In another case, a customer in executive position in a reputed firm, had problems in his married life and lived separately. The general Kaandam hinted the problem and the cause, which was due to sins committed in previous birth and chapters XII and XIV were consulted and Pariharams identified. The reference to Chapter VII marriage also advised Pariharams, there would be reconciliation and happiness with his wife. For varied reasons which he explained later, the customer felt that the reconciliation will not do them good or bring happiness. He insisted on seeing the 11th Kanda, remarriage , which was categorized that because of his sins committed in previous birth, the relationship with his wife will break and he will get remarried and be happy thereafter and the second wife will be very helpful to him. This prediction of the 11th Kanda only, satisfactorily clarified his doubt. He also got favorable predictions with regards to his efforts to get a prestigious international Post after one year. He has now attended an interview for the same.